Barbara Gong

I have been a student of Mamun’s for almost two years and have made exponential progress due to his attentiveness and his comprehensive teaching style. I knew nothing of oil painting when I first started but his demonstrative approach to technique and theory was easy for me to pick up. Much of my progress thereafter was because I was not afraid to put paint to canvas and try to paint new things. To be bold then to step back, think critically and figure out where the painting can be improved was the key mindset Mamun helped me develop from the start.

As I became more advanced, his laissez-faire style gave me more autonomy and confidence to tackle difficult compositions while providing much technical guidance that often made the difference in bringing my paintings to life. He is very generous with his time during class and is very passionate – it is clear that his students’ success brings him much pride and enthusiasm. I am looking forward to creating many more works and advancing my skills with his help!


Mr. Abu Mamun has been my daughter’s art teacher since the summer of 2015. He is very nice, friendly and professional.
My daughter is eager to go to his art classes and enjoys learning painting skills with him every week. As an teacher working with different age students, he demonstrates great communication and leadership skills during the classes. He has great abilities to observe a group of students and teaches them individually.

Abu Mamun is an incredibly devoted art teacher who has an extremely large and varied skill pallet. He is comfortable introducing beginners into the world of visual art work, and he is more than qualified to advance skilled painters and show them new techniques. Abu Mamun uses his own experiences and passes on this knowledge to his students, so that they can enhance their own paintings without having to go through the trouble of discovering these hidden secrets. Abu Mamun is an amazing and honorable teacher.

我女儿从2015 年夏天开始跟 Abu Mamun 老师学习油画。Abu Mamun 的课堂生动、活波,,而且充满了创造力和想象力。我女儿很愿意上他课。A.Mamun 对学生和家长都非常友好、尊重。我女儿每次需要临时调课时,他都会帮助解决苦难。他能说一口流利的汉语,我们和他沟通也很方便。Abu Mamun 是一位非常专业的画画老师,他具有很深的艺术造诣和坚实的专业基础。他对教学认真负责,一丝不苟。他的学生年龄、兴趣不同,画画水平参差不齐。Abu Mamun 能够因地制宜,因材施教,根据每个学生的爱好和家长的要求制定一套教学方案。



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